Feeling the RepRap itch
Not that the RepRap project is something new, but for a set of reasons I am now getting quite interested on it. Still, since my last post , there is a lot of information to process, but this time I am more willing to use some time reading the forums .
There are also some companies that are selling complete kits of 3D printers inspired by RepRap guts (but that claim no percentage or self-replication feature).
The basic idea is to have an XY-table where a plastic extruder can deposit layer after layer on what becomes the Z-axis. Current versions of the control electronics receive and interpret commands in g-code format from one of several possible control programs (Skeinforge, RepRap, SuperSkein, ReplicatorG, ...).
Now I need to learn a bit about 3D design software, though I have discovered a few interesting programs, like MeshLab, Wings3D or OpenSCAD . The latter being a script-oriented design approach, very interesting and useful.
For the moment I am still considering what ...