How to do a CNC milling farm.
One of my current projects requires to run two, maybe more in the near future, DIY CNC machines. Machine controller is USB-based and a PC could be used to send g-code to machine controller. However, we have tried a different approach that proved successful: using a cheap tablet instead of a PC. It all started by testing the excellent program GCodePrintr by Mathias Dietz. This software is designed so people can use a 3D printer directly from a tablet. You can stream a g-code file for printing to the printer plus you can do all the usual manual functions of moving the axis around. Besides, a graphical simulation of the print is represented on the display. And in the few tests I did, printing speed did not seemed to be compromised because the lower tablet performance (compared to a PC). However, uploading a file from Dropbox or using some FTP app for sending g-code files to the tablet was not very convenient as required user time spent at the tablet. But one feature of GCodePrintr ...