Prusa SL1 SLA 3D printer build and first impressions
I ordered this printer almost a year ago, but then the MINI appeared and I decided to get a MINI too, so my new order was delayed due to the MINI massive backlog. It was delivered last March, just at the beginning of the pandemic, so I thought I would have plenty of time to devote to it. But I was wrong and it has been sitting inside the box in our home's hall for several months. To be honest, I knew the resin will be smelly so I was not eager to build this printer unless I had a use for it. That and the almost unavailable Isopropilic Alcohol (IPA) that was needed kept the project on hold. But given I finally got a good deal for IPA on Amazon something needed to be done. So last Saturday morning I started unpacking the several layers of foam with parts and went ahead building the Prusa SL1 printer. I would say it was simpler than the MK3, with lots of folded metal and machined aluminum parts and just a few 3D printed parts. Lots of screws and a good number of active parts an...