X11 on Snow Leopard

A few days ago I've got a shiny new MacBook Pro. Instead of coming with Snow Leopard installed, I've got a rebate on the price for the cost of the update to SL. I've installed Snow Leopard now but the disc does not contain a version of X11. As GIMP and Inkscape software depend on that I'm searching for the right version to install. I could use some help if you already know where to pull it from.

Update: I'm happily running the GIMP on Snow Leopard. Contrary to my claim above, X11 is included on Snow Leopard, you'll find it in the Applications part of the optional install package.


golgi said…
"optinal installs" on the SL DVD
misan said…
Absolutely! Thanks a lot, it did no occurred to me to dig deep on the Applications section of the Optional Install.
Anonymous said…
"Optional Install" > Applications, then, click the ARROW next to Applications
misan said…
Yep, that's what I was trying to say in the Update.
MCAndre said…
Awesome! The new Inkscape has some bugs, but I don't care. I'm finally able to use it in Snow Leopard :)
Larry Tesler said…
I had to do this:

Double-click the "Optional Installs" folder
Double-click "Optional Installs.mpkg"
Accept the License
Accept or change the destination volume
Click the triangle next to "Applications"
Check the "X11" box
Click "Continue" and "Install"

The rest was installing as usual.
misan said…
Thanks Larry for detailing the process.

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