
Showing posts from September, 2010

Any magic on the new Apple touchpad?

I liked the idea of a new tracking device. I guess some time using the iPad gave me the wrong idea on what it could feel like to have a similar interface as a mouse replacement. The same day I received an email from Apple stating the new Magic Trackpad was available I rang a local shop to see if they have it. I was told that because it was announced today they did not have it. That I should wait a few weeks before they would have it. Weird. Anyway, after the summer holidays I wanted to switch one of our iMacs to wireless keyboard and mouse so after being turned down in one Apple shop (a different one), where again I was told I will still have to wait an unknown amount of time (not very helpful direction). Hopefully, I stopped by a third shop where I bought a Bluetooth keyboard and a Magic Trackpad. Trackpad is ok but not magic. For the same money I would suggest anyone to go for a Magic Mouse. It is not that the trackpad does not work, but I've found much more convenient to use the...

Bye S90, Hello S95

The Canon PowerShot S90 I've bought a few months ago had a problem . I had to sent it back to Canon to be serviced. I was unlucky and after more than two months waiting I complained to Canon. It transpired that a new part was needed for the repair. My long wait was rewarded with a brand-new PowerShot S95 instead. Even the seller (I bought it on eBay) was so ashamed about me waiting that long that gave away a 4GB SD memory too. Have a look at this analysis .

Plastic Logic bites the dust

I was very excited by what this company was about to deliver. But unfortunately they have cancelled the launch of their QUE electronic ink device. In the mean time, Amazon and Barnes & Noble get into price fight that drove down the prices of their entry-line ebook readers to around $140. This is around halve of the original price and what is better, more features are added to the new devices (ie: wifi). I really like the new Kindle 3 and over the summer I've been reading a lot on my 6" Papyre ebook reader. I've come to the conclusion that 6" is more convenient than the larger size of Kindle DX for reading novels. I'm kind of disappointed with KDX as it is not good for letter-size documents (or A4-size) in my opinion. I've used a lot our iPad over the summer but just for browsing and, more importantly, to use the Maps application to find where to have dinner or to look for the route to a destination (very handy when travelling). However I've read no...