Any magic on the new Apple touchpad?
I liked the idea of a new tracking device. I guess some time using the iPad gave me the wrong idea on what it could feel like to have a similar interface as a mouse replacement. The same day I received an email from Apple stating the new Magic Trackpad was available I rang a local shop to see if they have it. I was told that because it was announced today they did not have it. That I should wait a few weeks before they would have it. Weird. Anyway, after the summer holidays I wanted to switch one of our iMacs to wireless keyboard and mouse so after being turned down in one Apple shop (a different one), where again I was told I will still have to wait an unknown amount of time (not very helpful direction). Hopefully, I stopped by a third shop where I bought a Bluetooth keyboard and a Magic Trackpad. Trackpad is ok but not magic. For the same money I would suggest anyone to go for a Magic Mouse. It is not that the trackpad does not work, but I've found much more convenient to use the...