Plastic Logic bites the dust

I was very excited by what this company was about to deliver. But unfortunately they have cancelled the launch of their QUE electronic ink device.

In the mean time, Amazon and Barnes & Noble get into price fight that drove down the prices of their entry-line ebook readers to around $140. This is around halve of the original price and what is better, more features are added to the new devices (ie: wifi).

I really like the new Kindle 3 and over the summer I've been reading a lot on my 6" Papyre ebook reader. I've come to the conclusion that 6" is more convenient than the larger size of Kindle DX for reading novels. I'm kind of disappointed with KDX as it is not good for letter-size documents (or A4-size) in my opinion.

I've used a lot our iPad over the summer but just for browsing and, more importantly, to use the Maps application to find where to have dinner or to look for the route to a destination (very handy when travelling). However I've read not a single book with it (though I loaded a bunch of them just in case). What is worse, I've learned that some of the PDF files I've loaded on iBooks completely crash the application once opened. And when this happens the only way to get iBooks to work again is to remove the offending (opened) PDF file from iTunes and to re-sync the iPad . If not, every time I open iBooks it goes to the same PDF and it crashes iBooks before I can switch back to the library view (Mr. Apple, please fix this soon).

In the ebook market in Spain, vendors seem to believe they still can keep prices as they were last year (around 250€-ish) regardless american vendors have halved the prices. Should I were about to buy a 6" now, I only would consider a Nook or Kindle (because of prices and features). While happy with my Papyre I can see the new Kindle has many improvements.


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