Eavesdropping your own wifi network

I was recently ask by a friend about how certain P2P wireless cameras can be accessed from a
cellphone with no router configuration. I had no idea about those cameras or its so-called P2P-thing whatever that was that tricked your home router so your camera can be accessed using a mobile app.

Of course if both the wifi camera and the cellphone belong to the same LAN there is a simple answer, but when they belong to different networks and there are one or more routers in between things may get murkier, specially when one or more of these routers are broadband routers (marketing-talk for NAT boxes).

The problem of reaching one host on the Internet from another is:

  1. to figure out its IP address
  2. to be able to connect to it (this is where firewalls may be a problem for your communication)
However, if a device is connected to a home network with Internet access, it is most likely served by one of these broadband routers, that will block any connection attempt that might come from the Internet to any device in the home network. Effectively making it impossible to access devices in your home networks to good or bad users on the Internet. 

Of course, there are ways to overcome limitations with virtual-servers port forwarding that will expose certain computers on the home network to be accessed from the Internet. But using such a feature requires configuration changes on the home router. Sometimes you cannot do that or do not know how to do it, so extra help might be needed. If that helps come in human form it may be costly. So manufacturers (Microsoft?) created the Universal Plug-and-play Protocol (or UPnP) that will allow your computer to do the job of changing router configuration for you, cheaper but riskier. Because of that many broadband routers do not enable UPnP by default (or do not even support it).

The tricky part of me discovering how in hell this mobile app was being able to contact the P2P camera required me to install one of these cameras at home and capture network traffic caused by remote access using my cellphone (with wifi disabled so I could be certain it was, in fact, remote access happening through the Internet). 

I have been using Wireshark software for quite a while, and the fact that I know it used to be called Ethereal can give you and idea of how long that while might be. Anyway, Wireshark is open-source software that can capture network traffic in real-time for later analysis.  

My home network uses WPA2/AES encryption with a pre-shared key (PSK) so you might think that because my computer knows the wifi password, I could capture all wifi traffic on my network. And yes, I could do that, but no, it is not that simple.

WPA(2) protects mobile device traffic using different keys for different devices on the same network. So even if my computer can capture encrypted network traffic it cannot decode it even if I provide the wifi password because each mobile device would use a different session key (derived from a master key, derived from the wifi password).

But two details will make everything come together: 
  1. you need to capture traffic using monitor mode (that captures not only data frames but also all 802.11 control frames that are usually invisible to user software)
  2. you need to make sure all mobile devices whose traffic you need to decode perform a wireless association (EAPOL) during the traffic capture (this way the software can learn the session key each one is using as is exchanged between the mobile terminal and the router at the beginning of each association).
Ok, so once you have done all that you look at the captured traffic and you feel that I was kidding because it still looks as encrypted as before (but now there are many weird 802.11 control frames too).

Decoding the traffic does not happen while you are capturing data but later. You have to let Wireshark know the wifi password and for that you have go to Edit/Preferences/Protocols/IEEE802.11 and add your wifi password and SSID. In older versions both password and SSID are input in the same textbox and separated by a colon (like in the image below).

Ok, then ... why is not yet decrypted? Well if your capture is not yet decrypted press Ctrl+R for the program to reload the data from the internal buffer, but this time, hopefully you will have the decrypted traffic.

Unfortunately, while I succeeded in eavesdropping on multiple devices inside my wifi network, I realized that the camera was using an unknown encrypted protocol that would connect the camera to a server in China (using UDP so maybe connect is not the best word here). Next, the camera would connect to other hosts on the Internet (my guess is these are other similar cameras, therefore the P2P name). 

The mobile application on the cellphone starts by connecting to the server and from there it connects to the camera. The "connection" (again using UDP) to the camera works because the camera punches a hole through the broadband router NAT-table (I guess instructed by the server that coordinates them both). 

I contacted the makers of Blue Iris PC software for IP cameras asking if they supported such a protocol and they did not support it. So my guess is that having a similar feature on a PC with more powerful software is not going to be an easy task (given manufacturers give no detail about how the protocol they created works).


Joshim Uddin said…
Nice Post

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