Installing PIL on OSX

I have got some messages about installing PIL library on a Mac assuming it is a Windows-only

library. It is not.

I have never used Python Image Library before, but when I designed 4xiDraw drawing machine I used one Inkscape plug-in that was intended for laser engraving. I hacked it just a bit to make it work with my machine. The plug-in itself is a simple two-file thing you need to copy to your ~/.config/Inkscape/extensions/ but the PIL library may be a bit of a challenge on some systems.

It is important to use 0.91 version of Inkscape as the plugin will not work with an older version. Other than that it should work in Windows, OSX and Linux.

What worked for me are the following commands on an opened terminal session:

sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install pillow


napkom said…
Nice! Thanks for the info.

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