Windows 10 on vmplayer

From time to time there is some software I need to use that is only available for Windows. For that I kept an old virtual machine I created ten years ago that was running Windows XP and served me well over the years. But the last instance of software in point was the latest Netfabb  Standard 2017, that is only available as a 64bit Windows version.

So I grabbed a Windows 10 ISO from Microsoft Imagine shop and fed it to my virtual machine. After some time I got a new virtual machine running Windows 10, or almost.

I could see networking was not working nor was audio. I could see many people reporting different problems with various virtualisation tools and Windows 10 but it was not clear what my problem was, so after following several wrong paths I realized the system was complaining about not having a driver for the hardware found. I checked on the configuration file and I could see the network device was "vlance" and I replaced it for "e1000" and the latter was easily recognized by Windows 10 so that was fixed.

The configured card I had in my virtual system was "es1371" that, again, was not apparently supported by Windows 10 (at least not if the network was not working as it was my case). So I replaced it by "hdaudio" and now I have got sound too. Audio quality is not great but just ok.


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